What are birds talking about when they are sitting on the telephone wire? They’re telling stories! Stories in which they are the stars, heroes, and troublemakers!
These illustrations have been used on storytelling concert programs and advertising posters.

Logo for the Ann Arbor Storytellers' Guild ( Bird images from fall 2022 were added by local person )

Aladdin. Bird: Purple Great Tit

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Bird: American Goldfinch

The Brave Little Taylor (Seven In One Blow). Bird: Anhinga

Cinderella. Bird: Purple Gallinule

Snow White and Rose Red. Birds: Scarlet Ibis and Australian Cockatoo.

The Pied Piper. Bird: Spoonbill.

Puss in Boots. Bird: Indigo Bunting.

Rumpelstiltskin. Bird: Blue Dacinis Cayana.

Rapunzel. Bird: Ribbon Tailed Astrapia.

Beauty and the Beast. Bird: Tickell's Blue Flycatcher.

What a Bigmouth! Birds: Variegated Fairy Wren and Yellow-billed Jacamar telling about Pelican, and Roseate Spoonbill.

Rock Star Hairdos. Birds: A Quail and a Tufted Titmouse telling about the Secretary Bird and Hoopoe.

Yumm. Birds: Roadrunner and Black and White Warbler.

Imitation is Flattery. Bird: Spatula Tail.

Show Offs! Colorful birds: Toucan and Scarlet Ibis.